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Showing posts from July, 2016

Dear Leave Voter

Dear Leave Voter, I really like you. No 'but's. Honestly. I do. Your facebook posts make me laugh out loud. I think your dog is adorable and the way you champion your kids makes me wish more children had parents like you. I admire your closeness to your family.  You're kind - I see that. You've been kind to me and I've seen you be kind to other people. I like kindness in a person. The world needs more of it.  I know you aren't racist. I've seen how angry you get when you hear people use racist language. Although I do wonder if you know about my Eastern European family members when you have a little rant about the Eastern Europeans that have moved into your area... And it's a shame we can't talk about how my husband's foreign friend has been told to 'go home' three times in the last week, without you getting cross because you think I'm saying it's your fault, and me feeling sad because, well, it makes me sad. It's compl...